Are You an Iron Man? Part 1

The Ironman Triathlon is aptly named. The competition consists these back-to-back events, in this order: a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride, and a  marathon (26.2 miles).  To participate in this triathlon is to test the limits of both one’s inner and outer motivation, purpose and identity.

As a fan of Iron Man movies, I am similarly struck at how Iron Man’s arc reactor is an analog for both triathlons and business ownership. Billionaire engineer Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, was near death from shrapnel threatening to pierce his heart; he created the arc reactor to power an electromagnet to keep the shrapnel at bay. Business owners who have a sense of purpose (or a calling) also protect their hearts.

If Iron Man can’t survive without the arc reactor keeping shrapnel from piercing his heart—how can you ;-)? (more…)

Are You an Iron Man? Part 1 is courtesy of American Business Advisors of Denver


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